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        宜城教育365速发国际靠谱么_365bet亚洲官方网址_预付365商城下载网www.bjtlcd.com新目标英语2019学年第一学期九年级英语第三次月考试卷含试卷分析答题技巧新河中学2018-2019学年第一学期第三次月考九年级英语试卷亲爱的同学:你走进了人生的又一处驿站,也攀上了英语学习的又一级台阶。在这个庭院里,花香满径,足够你采英撷华。当你面前的英语试卷展开时,广阔的生活画卷也在缓缓打开。请认真审题,沉着答卷,成功一定属于你!题 号 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ 总 分得 分          Ⅰ听力部分(20分)听力(分四小节,共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)第一节:听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。E1.          2.              3.            4.            5.第二节:听句子,选择恰当的应答语。每个句子读两遍。(   )6. A. Sounds interesting.     B. Thats too bad      C. Yes, please(   )7. A. I don't agree with you.    B. Thank you.      C. The same to you.(   )8. A. I spend two hours doing my homework every dayB. Reading booksC. I have some free time this weekend(   ) 9. A. I'm a student   B. My name is Judy     C. I have a toothach(   )10. A. It's about fifteen minutes' walk.  B. About two years old  C. Thirty students第三节:听对话及问题,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。(   )11. How will the girl go to the old people's home?A. On foot   B. By bike   C. By bus.(   )12. What does the girl think of this movie?A. It's quite interesting.   B. It's meaningless.    C.It's just so-so.(   )13. Whom does the boy often discuss math problems with?A. His teacher   B. His sister    C. His friends.(   )14. What happened to Greg last month?A. He hurt his arm.   B. He hurt his leg   C. He hurt his left foot.(   )15. Where will they have dinner?A, In a restaurant  B. At a coffee shop.  C. At home第四节:听长对话,根据其内容选出能回答下列问题的最佳答案。对话读两遍。(   )16. Where are the two speakers?A. In a hotel  B. In a clothes store.     C. In a hospital.(   )17       is the woman's favorite colorA. Black    B. Red     C Yellow(   )18. This dress will cost the woman           .A.340 yuan   B. 314 yuan    C. 344 yuan(   )19. The dress is made of        .A.cotton    B. wool      C. silk(   )20. What can we know about the womanA. She doesn't like the dress at allB. She thinks the dress is out of fashionC. Size M is suitable for her笔试部分(100分)II. 语法与情景会话(每小题1分,共25分)。(   ) 1.Our teacher was very happy because ____failed the examination.A.  somebody        B.  nobody       C. anybody     D. everybody.(   ) 2. There must be lots of people ____ in the river now.A. to swim         B. are swimming       C. swimming       D. swim(   )3. -Exercise me. Could you tell me ____get to the nearest library? -Sorry, I am new here.A. how can I      B. how could I        C. how to            D .what I can(   ) 4.-Peter has changed a lot, hasn't he?-Yes. He used to ___the guitar, but now he is more___in playing soccer.A.plays; interested     B.play; interested    C.play; interesting    D.playing; interesting(   ) 5.Great changes ____in our home town in the past five years.A. have happened    B. have taken place   C. have been happened   D. have been taken place(   ) 6. Jim wants to get his hair ________. It's too long.A. cut             B.. cutted             C. cuts                D. cutting(   ) 7.Since we began to use the Internet, our lives _____a lot.A. change   B. had changed    C. will change   D. have changed(   )8. -Look at the boy with green hair. It's cool!-But I don't think students ________ to color their hair.A. should be not allowed   B. should be allowed   C. should allow     D. shouldn't be allowed(   ) 9.___of the teacher in our school ____women.A.  Two thirds,are     B . Two third, is         C. Two thirds, is     D. two third, are(   )10. - ________ bookcase is this?     -It must be ________.A. Who's;Tom     B. Who's;Tom'        C. Whose;Tom's   D. Whose;Tom(   ) 11. You ____cross the  street  until  the  traffic lights are green.A. must        B. need           C.  mustn't               D. needn't(   ) 12. I don't think it is a good way. Can you                      another one?A. come up         B. come in          C. come up with     D. come out(   ) 13.  A new park _____in our hometown next year.A. will build         B. is built            C. will be built         D. will be build(   ) 14. Don't worry. She can look after your pet______.A. careful enough    B. enough careful       C. carefully enough   D. enough carefully(   ) 15. At last, Lucy made the baby ____, and the baby began to laugh .A. stop crying      B. stopped crying       C. stop to crying    D. stopped to cry(   ) 16. You won't catch the early bus _____ you get up earlier.A. if     B. though       C. unless          D. until(   ) 17. ______exciting the park is !      A. How   B. What    C. Wha t an    D What a(   ) 18. I don't remember _____the book yesterday.A. where I put      B. where did I put     C. where I will put   D. where will I put(   ) 19.  -Could you please pass me the book ?                   ________ .A. Yes , I could .   B. No , I couldn't .  C. Sure , here you are .    D. No , that's no problem .(   )20. The person under 16 years old  shouldn′t  _______to go to the Internet bar.A. be allowed        B. be allowing       C. allow           D. allowed(   )21. -Jim failed his math test last week. What happened to him?-It takes him too much time ____________ his friends online.A. to chat with      B. playing with        C. talk with         D. got on with(   )22. ---What did you say just now, Mum?             ---I asked you _____________.A. if was there a bookstore around here          B. why you wanted to become an inventor C. how long you will be on the volleyball team   D. why did you miss the early bus yesterday morning(   )23. ---Jim found ______ easy to remember all the English words.  ---______ good news it is!A. it; What    B. it; How        C. that; What           D. it;  What a(   )24. I could speak ______ Japanese ______ Chinese, so I had to talk with him in English.A. Not only; but also    B. both; and         C. neither; nor        D. either; or(   )25. He was so _____ when he heard the  ______ news that he got the first prize in the contest.A. exciting, exciting    B. exciting, excited   C. excited, excited    D. excited, excitingⅢ、完形填空(10分)Manners are important to happy relations (关系) among people. No one   l   a person with bad manners. A  2   with good manners never laughs at people when they are in trouble. Instead, he  3        to help them. When he asks for something, he says"  4  ."And when he receives something, he  5  says"Thank you", He does not interrupt (打扰)   6  people when they are talking. He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly  7   public. When he sneezes or spits (吐痰), he uses a  8  . If you are late, you  9   make an apology(道歉)to the teacher either at the time  10  after class.(  ) 1. A. thinks    B. likes     C. hates       D. love(  ) 2. A. boy     B. man     C. person       D. girl(  ) 3. A. tries     B. wants    C. has         D.enjoys(  ) 4. A. Give me    B. Please   C. Yes       D. Hello(  ) 5. A. never     B. sometime   C. usually    D. still(  ) 6. A. every     B. some      C. his       D. other(  ) 7. A. on        B. at        C. of        D. in(  ) 8. A. book      B. cup       C. handkerchief   D. hand(  ) 9. A. should     B. will       C. could      D. may(  ) 10. A. or      B. nor         C. and       D. butⅣ、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)Basketball stars become hip-hop singers. It's true. In NBA, hip-hop music is very popular. Many of the players, like Shaquille O'Neal of the Los Angeles Lakers, write rap(说唱) words when they travel on planes from one city to another. Some of them even have rap radio shows and others perform(表演) in music video.When some of the younger stars play basketball, they even try to look like hip-hop singers. "Hip-hop is just part of their culture," says one player. "All of us grew up listening to rap and playing basketball, and rappers grew up doing the same thing."Master P. is a famous rap star who wants to become a basketball player. Two NBA teams have invited him to join them. They enjoy listening to his music. An NBA player has become a rapper. He has made four successful rap albums(专辑).NBA has a closer connection to hip-hop than any other sports league.(    )1.Many basketball players in NBA like       .   A、hip-hop music   B、country music    C、American singer(    )2.Many NBA players       rap w ords when they travel on planes from one cityto another.   A、learn     B、write     C、sing(    )3.        is just part of the NBA players' culture.   A、Music    B、Rapper    C、Hip-hop(    )4.The NBA teams invited Master P. to join them just because       .   A、they like listening to his music   B、his dancing was popular C、they like his face and hair(    )5.Which of the following is NOT right?   A、Many NBA players have become hip-hop rappers.   B、A rapper wants to become an NBA basketball player.   C、Players in NBA don't like hip-hop music at all.BIn China, many peopl e are leaving the countryside to find jobs in the cities, because the countryside is much poorer than the city, and often there isn't much work there. Services such as hospital and transport(交通) are usually much better in the city than in the countryside. They hope that their lives will improve when they move to the city.But in the big cities of Europe like London or Paris, people are moving out of the city. These rich families want to live a quieter life. They are tired of the noise and the dirt(尘土) of the city, and they are tired of the crowded streets, crowded trains and buses. They don't want to live in the cities any more. They want a house with a garden in the countryside, and breathe the fresh air there.So they move out of the cities. Some don't go very far, just a little way out of the city, to the towns near the cities, other people move to the real countryside with sheep, cows and green fields. There, they start new lives and try to make new friend s.Not all those who move from the city to the countryside are happy. After two or three years, many people who have done this feel that it was a big mistake. They don't make so much money and there isn't much work to do. People in the countryside are very different and aren't always very friendly.As a result, quite a lot of people who have moved to the countryside move back to the city. "It's wonderful to see crowds in the streets and cinema lights," they say.(    )6.Which is NOT the reason for people moving to the cities in China? A、The countryside is much poorer than the city. B、People in the countryside have nothing to eat. C、People in the countryside don't have much work to do there.(    )7.Why do some rich families in Europe move to the countryside? A、Because they will find good jobs.   B、Because they are tired of living in the city. C、Because they can make more money there..(    )8.After moving to the countryside, some people in Europe feel unhappy because.   A、they can't make much money   B、there isn't much work for them to do in the countryside                          C、A, and B(    )9.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph shows      . A、they are happy to move back to the city   B、they miss their friends in the countryside C、they still want to move to the countryside(    )10.The best title of this passage may  be "      ". A、A Happy Life!  B、Living in the City!    C、Moving Out or Moving Back? Ⅴ、词汇运用(10)1.Her talk made us more _______(interest)in learning English.2.Chen long is one of the most famous _____(act) in China.3.Could you please _____(help)me finish the task?4..I saw him _____(work) in the garden just now5.. I'm afraid of speaking English because my ____________ (pronounce).is poor.6.There must be some boys _____________(play) basketball outside. It is too noisy.7. Tom likes reading books on            (Europe) history.8. He is used to ______(get ) up early every morning9.Hard work can bring you ______  ( succeed ) .10.The life we are used to ________ ( change ) greatly since 1995 .Ⅵ根据括号内要求完成句子。(10)1﹑Tom is the tallest student in his class. (改为同义句)Tom is taller than _____ _____ student in his class.2、I heard that someone was talking in the next room.(改为同义句)I heard _____ _____ in the next room.3、Write down the words in English .(改为反意疑问句)Write down the words in English,_____ ______ ?4、Mr Li may sing this song.(改为被动语态)This song may _____ _____ by children.5、She asked me, "Will you go to the cinema tomorrow?" (改为宾语从句)She asked me ____ I ____ go to the cinema the next day..Ⅶ根据所给汉语完成句子(10)1. 你的手机是国产的吗?______ your mobile phone ______ in China?2. 有时爱好会妨碍他们的学习。Sometimes hobbies can ______ in the ______ of their study.3. 脱下你的外套,它很湿了。your coat,it's very wet.4.面对这么多的困难,我们已经决定继续奋斗,而不是放弃。Facing so many difficulties,we have made up our mind to fight on instead of5.我记得整个事情,就好像它是发生在昨天一样。I remember the whole thing                        it happened yesterday.. . Ⅷ补全对话,方框中有两个多余选项 (5)A: Whose soccer ball is this?B:   1   He loves playing soccer.A: Look! He is running to us.B: Why do you think he is running?A:   2   .B: I don't think so.  3  .A: He might have some trouble.B:   4  .A: Hi, Andrew.  5   .C: When I got home after exercise, I heard something strange in my    house.B: Let's ask the policemen for help.Ⅸ、书面表达(共10分)每个人家里都有自己的家规,你的家规是什么,请说出不少于两条,并对自己的家规发表一下看法。ttp:// www .xkb1.com 宜城教育365速发国际靠谱么_365bet亚洲官方网址_预付365商城下载网www.bjtlcd.com
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